What brought you to Coupeville and why did you get involved with the Foundation?
I moved to Coupeville in the summer of 1977 from the San Francisco area where I had lived with my family. I loved the rural nature of the island, the beautiful views from almost everywhere and the beaches. My husband, Bob, and I have two kids who both went all through school here in Coupeville. They are from pioneer stock – their ancestors were some of the first people to hold donation land claims here in Central Whidbey in the 1860’s and we are proud of our heritage. Having been a long time volunteer in the schools, I wanted to help provide students and staff the opportunity to provide the best learning environment possible.
What is your favorite thing to do in Coupeville?
Hike the bluff at Ebey’s Landing, plant a garden every spring, and run into everyone I know in town.
What is your favorite Coupeville memory?
Being outdoors with our kids when they were growing up here.
Why do you love being on the Foundation for Coupeville Public Schools?
The Board members are truly dedicated to the Foundation. They’re thoughtful, resourceful and all have a big heart for the students and staff. I feel fortunate to be a part of such a successful organization.