Meet Liz Dickman
Tell us about yourself, what brought you to Whidbey?
Hi I am Liz Dickman. I moved to Island County in 2020 for a job with the County planning department, after my daughter was born in 2021 I changed to a part time job within public health (current position).
Why is supporting children that are served by the Student Support Service Programs important to you?
It is important for me to support families here with the HIYI scholarship, I love being able to contribute to more equitable access for youth to join sports teams and participate in physical activities.
What other message would you like to share with our community?
I would like to encourage everyone who can easily take advantage of the free bus transit system to do so and to make every effort to limit GHG emissions by biking or walking if possible, though I know that is not always easy around here!
How Can You Get Involved?
If you would like to support the efforts that Liz is passionate about, please consider supporting the Student Support Services Fair.
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