What brought you to Coupeville and why did you get involved with the Foundation?
I came to Coupeville when I was three months old and my parents bought the Glenwood Hotel on Front Street. We settled here permanently when I was in first grade. I have been here since, except for my trip to college (UW) and law school (UPS). I returned here because I was given the unique and wonderful opportunity to start my practice where I thought I would end up ending my practice. I am truly blessed.
For my background - I graduated from CHS 1985 (you can find my picture in the buildings). Attorney in private practice in Coupeville. Serve on other boards and organizations -- Island County Law Library Board; Soroptimists International of Coupeville; Coupeville Boosters Club; Island County Bar Association Vice President; and probably something else I am forgetting.
Three kids at home - sophomore, third, and fifth grades. Two older boys grown and gone. One works at Microsoft and one works for Representative Denny Heck in DC.
My husband, Derek Wolfe, works for the FAA. He is an air traffic controller and currently working in procedures (which is probably wrong because he has one of those jobs I don't understand. haha).
I have one brother, Neil McPherson, 1983 graduate of CHS. He is an attorney in Yakima.
I joined the Foundation because I wanted to do something different than my daily job. Helping others and supporting our schools is special. I went through the Coupeville education system and know first hand the pros and cons. I also believe every child should have the opportunity to grow and shine in their way. If we can help even one child be successful we have done something fantastic. I have three children in the Coupeville School District and I CHOSE Coupeville for them. Being involved in their school connects me to them and shows my children that serving others is valuable. I like to have them help when they can, as learning volunteering at a young age is a good (no great) thing. My kids now ask about the "Foundation" dinners each month and the Foundations meetings are referred to as "the meeting" at my house. :)
For my background - I graduated from CHS 1985 (you can find my picture in the buildings). Attorney in private practice in Coupeville. Serve on other boards and organizations -- Island County Law Library Board; Soroptimists International of Coupeville; Coupeville Boosters Club; Island County Bar Association Vice President; and probably something else I am forgetting.
Three kids at home - sophomore, third, and fifth grades. Two older boys grown and gone. One works at Microsoft and one works for Representative Denny Heck in DC.
My husband, Derek Wolfe, works for the FAA. He is an air traffic controller and currently working in procedures (which is probably wrong because he has one of those jobs I don't understand. haha).
I have one brother, Neil McPherson, 1983 graduate of CHS. He is an attorney in Yakima.
I joined the Foundation because I wanted to do something different than my daily job. Helping others and supporting our schools is special. I went through the Coupeville education system and know first hand the pros and cons. I also believe every child should have the opportunity to grow and shine in their way. If we can help even one child be successful we have done something fantastic. I have three children in the Coupeville School District and I CHOSE Coupeville for them. Being involved in their school connects me to them and shows my children that serving others is valuable. I like to have them help when they can, as learning volunteering at a young age is a good (no great) thing. My kids now ask about the "Foundation" dinners each month and the Foundations meetings are referred to as "the meeting" at my house. :)
What is your favorite thing to do in Coupeville?
My favorite event is the Coupeville Arts and Crafts Festival. I unabashedly love it. Ask anyone who knows me. My favorite place is Ebey's Landing. My husband kissed me for the first time on that bluff.
What is your favorite Coupeville memory?
I will say that my favorite Coupeville memory hasn't been made yet because they keep coming. My favorite thing about Coupeville is the love and support. I have had ups and downs. I have had friends with ups and downs. I have always felt loved and supported.
Why do you love being on the Foundation for Coupeville Public Schools?
With the Foundation - I love the difference we make and the connections I make. Having a personal connection with a different group of people broadens my world view. I need that interaction with other perspectives. I love having a connection with the schools and the students. I love being involved in something that is just plain nice - any time I talk about the Foundation it is a positive response.
I have to put in a plug for getting the opportunity to work with our new school superintendent. Having an avenue to know Dr. King has allowed me to reach out to him for things that I never would have done with prior administration. Watching his ability to interact and connect has been inspiring to me. He lives that concept of leaning in and I appreciate learning from him.
I have to put in a plug for getting the opportunity to work with our new school superintendent. Having an avenue to know Dr. King has allowed me to reach out to him for things that I never would have done with prior administration. Watching his ability to interact and connect has been inspiring to me. He lives that concept of leaning in and I appreciate learning from him.