Tell us about yourself and what brought you to Coupeville?
After raising our kids on the Eastside, my husband Pete and I took off on a journey that took us to Boulder, Colorado then Southern California and now back here to the Pacific Northwest and Whidbey Island to build our dream home.
When and Why did you join the Coupeville Schools Foundation?
I joined the Foundation in late 2016 after reading about the great work that it did in the District newsletter. In my many years as a nurse, my favorite jobs have been as community health nurse, pediatric nurse and school nurse. Working to help children and their families be healthy and productive has been a passion of mine and I heard that similar vision in the Foundation activities.
What is your favorite thing to do in Coupeville?
Coupeville, although a very small community, has a very large sense of community spirit. It seems almost monthly there is celebration, decoration and maybe even a parade for an event that offers an opportunity to bring the community together.
What is your favorite Coupeville memory?
Watching the Blue Herons do their fishing on the shoreline and the Eagles swoop down into the water for their meal, too.
Why do you love being on the Foundation for Coupeville Public Schools?
I am so impressed with the depth and breath of teaching and educational experience of my fellow Board members. Each in their own way has been a dedicated public servant and is full of desire to give back to their community. I consider it a privilege to serve with each of them to help our Coupeville School District students, teachers and staff be as successful as possible.