Tell us about yourself and what brought you to Coupeville?
I grew up in Coupeville and graduated from CHS. I always wanted to be a teacher so after completing my degree at WWU I went on to a teaching career of 36 years. Sometimes people will ask me what I taught and I have to say that most of the time I felt it was my students teaching me! I did get the opportunity to instruct kindergarten through eighth grade. One of the greatest blessings to me as a teacher is when I come across a former student who remembers me or one who contacts me "out of the blue". What a joy! I'm proud of my students and to have been a small part of their lives.
When and Why did you join the Coupeville Schools Foundation?
I joined the Foundation shortly after I left teaching because I wanted to stay connected to students and believed that through the Foundation I could help teachers and students achieve goals that might require an added measure of support. It has been rewarding work!
What is your favorite Coupeville memory?
I have many fond memories of growing up in Coupeville. Playing on the beach, waterskiing by the wharf, picking berries at the Loganberry Farm, and going to all the school sports events especially high school basketball games and dances. I was in high school before Title 9 so my enthusiasm was as an ardent supporter!
Why do you love being on the Foundation for Coupeville Public Schools?
I believe in public education for all and that Coupeville School District provides that opportunity.